Plug the GoodIP dongle at your parents place in your home country and access Internet as if you were there. Unlike a standard VPN, you will never be denied access. Read the FAQs to understand why.
Plug the GoodIP dongle at home. At your friends place, use the App to access any VoD as if you were home.(*)
(*): GoodIP is not a password-sharing tool. GoodIP enables access to VoD as if the user is at home.
Plug the GoodIP dongle at home. At work, use the App to access Internet as if you were home. Your employer won't be able to see your traffic.
Because the dongle uses the IP address where it's plugged, traffic can't be spied or denied.
The GoodIP dongle only needs power. Plug it in a power outlet or in your router. That's all!
Full encryption between your phone or computer and the dongle.
The GoodIP dongle is $75. There is NO monthly fee.
The connection is direct between your PC/phone and the dongle. There is no data log anywhere.
No adware, no spyware, no malware. The GoodIP dongle and App are totally clean.
The GoodIP App is free and it connects to the GoodIP dongle. Latest version is 2025.01.01.
It's available for Windows (Intel/AMD 64 bits), MacOS (Intel 64 bits), Linux (64 bits) and Android.